307 results found
Jira integration - make Custom Field ID optional
In Jira integration settings (I mean Issue trackers settings in Plastic SCM) it is necessary to provide a Custom Field ID. After each checkin Plastic SCM appends a list of modified files to that field in an associated Jira's task. The problem is that it takes extra time after checkin, during which the GUI freezes even for a couple of seconds.
On the other hand, when you don't provide the field ID, an error message is generated after each checkin.
Could you please make the field optional, so that when no ID is specified, chekin info is not appended to…
6 votesHi!
Sorry for the delay! We already implemented and released this feature you requested back in version We hope you’ll like it!
Miguel -
Simple Gluon branch switching
We have an art team who are using Gluon. There are occasions when an artist will need to work in collaboration on features. Or other occasions where we might need to stage changes in another branch.
We would like Gluon to be able to change to a known branch. A simple branch name text box (with auto-complete and drop down history) would be idea and avoid the complications of the full PlasticSCM UI.
6 votes -
Add support for running external tools on selected item(s)
This is an extension of the Custom "Open with" feature, to be able to run external tools/scripts with the selected branch/changeset(s) etc as input arguments.
For inspiration, see the "Tools - External Tools..." implementation in Microsoft Visual Studio. In that dialog, the user can add custom commands to a list that is later displayed in the menu. For each command, you can specify Title, Command Line, Initial Directory and Arguments. For the last two you can use placeholders like $(ProjectDir), $(CurLine) etc. In Plastic we could have placeholders like %wkspacepath, %repo, %selectedchangeset etc...
6 votes -
add new releasenotes to rss notifications
Please add notes about current releases to the rss notification section in plastic menu.
5 votesWe already do that announcing all new releases every week
An option to retain the file date when a source file is checked in. As opposed to current date or repositiory date.
Currently, when you check a source file in, it is stored with the current date or the repository date (except when you are adding a source for the first time). I need an option to keep the existing file timestamp so that I can match my source files to my executables.
5 votesWhile this is a dangerous option, we just added cm ci —date as an option to help during imports.
diff rebased branch
The 'Diff branch' option compares the latest changeset on a branch to the branch's creation point. If the branch has been rebased, this includes lots of unrelated changes. I really only want to see changes made directly on the branch (code edits), or changes due to merging in an unrelated 3rd branch. It is quite awkward to navigate branch explorer to select the appropriate changesets to compare, but this does give the desired result. 'Branch properties' is aware of rebases (cf. plain merges).
Could you either update 'Diff branch' to take account of rebases, or provide another convenience option. A…
5 votesPlease take a look to the new 4.2 or 5.0 versions. There you can see that the diff window has a “clean differences” button that does exactly what you are looking for.
Sort a history of checkin comments by the datetime of latest (re)using
There is a list of most recently used checkin comments in a Pending changes view. However if I reuse one of the comment in the list, its position in the list is not changed. I wish it jumped to the first position on the list again.
5 votesCompleted in the new Plastic SCM
Add the possibility to Sync with GIT using an RSA-Key instead of name/password
Add the possibility to synchronize with GIT using an RSA-Key. Now you have to enter username and password for the GIT repository.
5 votesThis feature is available from /
Check the release notes to get more info: https://www.plasticscm.com/download/releasenotes/
When applying a shelve, append shelve comment to pending checkin-comment
It would be very useful to have the shelve comment transferred to the comment box in the Pending Changes view. Usually the shelve comment is related to the changes made anyway so it makes for a good starting comment. It should be appended, so as not to lose any previously entered comment (that goes for the list of remembered comments, by the way).
A second-best alternative would be to add the shelve comment to the list of remembered comments...
5 votesAvailable at release 694: https://www.plasticscm.com/download/releasenotes/
Code Review Hooks
Similar to existing pre/post commit hooks
4 votesReady
TeamCity integration for PlasticSCM 4
Add teamcity connector for latest PlasticSCM,
4 votesCheck
Changes in cloaked items can be hidden in the pending changes view and command line
Have the ability to completely ignore anything happening in a cloaked folder, even if it is deleted from the workspace.
4 votesThis was recently closed, a couple of releases ago ;-)
4 votes
We have Team City support! :-)
Add Git to Version comparison
Referring to: http://www.plasticscm.com/infocenter/comparisons.aspx
It would be nice to see git on this list.
4 votes -
a way to get partial directory tree of a chageset/label/branch
I'm dealing with a repositories for multi-platform code. There is a lot of files, and most of them are unnecessary for developers of one or another platform, but still they have to be maintained/versioned together for coherency. So, I would like to have a way for the developers to get the right version, but only part of the directory tree (one or many specific directories) to avoid big update times and wasted disk space.
4 votesI think what you’re looking for is totally covered by the new GameUI :-)
Add "Default Workspace Directory" option.
Creating a workspace should be as simple as selecting a repo. Why am I filling in the same, unchanging bits of info each time? I don't give my workspace a name different than the repo, that's crazy. I don't change the my c:\dev\ source root folder root, and the repo is now filled in.
4 votesThis will be integrated in the release BL654. It is done.
That being said: it is not that “crazy” to use a workspace with a different name than the repository. In fact I do it all the time since I tend to switch repositories while using the same workspace when I have to switch from one project to another, provided they’re not too big.
Automatic incremental numbering for branch names
For example:
I created a branch with the name "Feature1". Now, I want to create a new branch with the name "Feature". Plastic SCM should remember, that there was already a similar branch name, but with a trailing number.
Now, I want the possibility, that Plastic SCM can automatically append the next increment of the previous number. In that case, it would result in "Feature2".That feature should be able to be activated/deactivated in the branch creation dialog, if a user want so.
4 votesHopefully solved with Carlos answer
Preserve diff viewer visibility in pending changes
Whenever I start Plastic SCM, I have to click the "Show diffs" button in pending changes to show diff viewer at the bottom of the window. In fact I always use it and prefer having it visible.
Would you consider preserving the last state of the diff viewer?
4 votesDone. Available at the BL684 release.
Put also item revision number on history view
I would like you to add also additional column in "Item History View" with revision number.
Currently in "History view" there are changset numbers.
In "History 2d tree view" there are item revision numbers.
It is very difficult to connect entries in "History view" with points in "History 2D tree".4 votes‘History’ & ‘History 2D tree’ views already use changeset numbers. Checked in the release.
Preserve changeset comment when closing pending tab or the app
When you close the pending tab you lose the comments. This can be done by accident or when you close the app.
It would be great if the comments were preserve rather than lost.
4 votesDone and released! :-)
- Don't see your idea?