50 search results
Add "Merge Query Rule" to conditional format
Show at least one changeset in queries
Implement a simple popup editor for designing "cm find" queries
Please support 'not like' in cm find query language · completed
Support for more complex find queries
Default changeset query for xlinks is weirdly narrow
Server authentication configuration in LDAP mode should allow for LDAP queries
Hability to query file contents (grep-like)
Push changeset data to proxy servers after commit
Indicate out of data repos in Sync Replication view
Jira integration should be able to transition issues through Jira workflow and maintain all data · completed
Make PlasticSCM Support more than 1000 users when using Active Directory authentifaciton
Add option to filter latest N changesets instead of date filter, to avoid empty views
User defined graphs
Treat multiple words in the "Search files" box as two elements that should be in the filename (Gluon)
Finding changesets / reviews by name with wildcards (where like '%...')
plastic.transformerrules suggestions · completed
In case you going support XML (please see its own vote), add JSON to the list.
scan only needed files in pending changes · completed
Different Branch Explorer filter config for each workspace