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  1. Two folders (or files) with the same name added into different branches independently, cannot be merged in Plastic now.
    It would be priceless in some cases (especially for folders).

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  2. Make possible to select visible columns in table views such as Changesets, Items, Branches, etc.
    We want to see Attributes and Labels in a Changesets view, but we usually do not care about GUIDs.

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  3. "Xlink changes cannot be commented" - that message shows up when you try to comment a change in an xlinked file (in a code review). IMHO it would be much easier if xlinked files could be commented just like other files.

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  4. Please add support for Symlinks (directory junctions, reparse points, ...) on Windows.

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  5. This would save us a TON of pain working in game dev. Not only make the locks across all branches where the locked files exist, but also setup plastic so you can do multiple commits while keeping the lock.

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  6. After a Code Review for a branch, add an icon (e.g. a check, a pending sign, ...) to the branch in Branch Explorer

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  7. As git user, more than once i find the need to fix something added to a comit, using the --amend parameter. It would be great to have this feature on plasticscm, because otherwise i end with

    D - E - F
    A - B - C - Fixes C

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  8. LOCK a branch so no one can perform a merge or checkin except the one who took the lock.

    Current scenario: Two or more developers are are working on child branches and want to merge back to the parent branch, if both initiate the merge, the first will succeed but the second will have to re-merge again. To avoid this, the developers can send an email, asking all to wait until he finishes the merge...
    Proposed solution: Allow the one to take a lock on the target branch, do the work, and release it. During the lock, others should be…

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  9. In Perforce, you can branch an individual file to a new name, in a sense copying it - including history.
    This allows future trackback of changes through the file all the way to original files.

    Use case:
    Re-factor of source file to separate into multiple files.

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  10. When a changeset is removed the workspace is switching to the parent changeset and all changes get lost.
    I think it is better to keep all changes in the "pending changes", so you do not lose any changes and you can add some more changes.

    It often happens to me that I forget some small changes, so I have to check in again producing a lot of unnecessary changesets.

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  11. I find myself repeatedly typing in a lot of the same comments. I would like to auto populate the the commit comment with what was used to create the branch.

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  12. Develop a JIRA plugin for Jira, to improve visibility.
    Add options to create branches from JIRA and issues from PlasticSCM.
    Embed links to open each other Web Portal.

    In general, a text box in the Jira issue is not enough. The interaction should be smooth.

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  13. Usually, I don't need annotation of a whole file (which is really slow for big files); an annotation of a specific line or maybe several lines would be enough.
    New context menu command Annotate this line from Diff/Merge tool would be very helpful.

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  14. Consider the following branches:
    1-1 (branch from 1)
    1-2 (another branch from 1)

    Currently, you can checkout and check-in the file on branch 1-1 and you can also do it on branch 1-2, as long as both checkouts are in their own branch head changeset and not at the same time.

    So when branches 1-1 and 1-2 merges back into the root branch 1, you get a conflict.

    The idea is to have types of files that cannot be merged, never, completely exclusive for all branches, the same way it is done in lock.conf for a per-branch basis.

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  15. Could you add an option to automatically check/alert on updates of PlasticSCM? (and display the version number somewhere).

    To see if there is a new version (and there are often because you guys seem to work hard ;-), I have to examine the properties of one of the exe files and compare it with the version in the on-line changelog.

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  16. It woul be useful to have the option to export files differences in the unix diff format

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  17. I'd like to see the changeset numbers in branch explorer in the same way they are shown in 2D version tree.

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  18. The code review system is very basic but I believe a few simple things can make it much more usable. I submit a list of them here:

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  19. As mentioned in the following links, the changeset / branch Diff view from the Plastic GUI can be automatically opened to show a specified changeset or branch. This can be done either via command line / script or (on Windows) by a URL containing a special "Plastic://" protocol:

    This is very handy for automation etc. However, I'd like to see more views available via command line and URL args - Branch Explorer, 2D History, Items, Annotate etc...

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  20. Add a switch to the command line tool that gives the same functionality as the GUI tool's "Synchronize All" function. Additionally, give [both] the ability to synchronize all views at the same time.

    This would allow easier scripting of "backups" to a central server.

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