307 results found
ReviewBoard official plugin
It will be nice to have official PlasticSCM support from PlasticSCM team to ReviewBoard tool :]
There is some implementation but this is not enough good as official can be:
http://reviews.reviewboard.org/r/1395/3 votesDone!
Keyboard Shortcuts
All buttons and labels should have an ALT shortcut key. For example On checkin dialog, you have to press "Checkin" button using "Mouse" or pressing "Tab" several times. But we should be able to do that for example by pressing "ALT + C" button.
Note: I know we have shortcuts for example to open the "Checkin" dialog, but I mean shortcuts for buttons and labels to prevent of using Mouse or pressing Tab.
3 votesImplemented on 4.0.239… enjoy!!!
3 votes
Implemented. It will be available in the next public Plastic SCM release (4.1 series)
Allow multiple lines in check in comments in Visual Studio 2010.
The check in comments dialog only allows a single line. The enter key doesn't create a new line, so the lists of changes made looks bunched up.
3 votesDone.
Add an "after-replicate" trigger
Currently, no triggers are fired if changesets are replicated to a repository, including after-checkin.
Behavior would be similar to git's post-receive hook, or hg's incoming hook.
3 votes -
Visual Studio 2010 hangs 1-5 sec after trying to save a file change
All 4.1.10.X versions do the same. A few seconds after a file which was not checked out is saved looks like Plastic tries to checkout the file asynchronously and locks up Visual Studio.
This happens 10 out of 10 times with me.
3 votesFixed. The fix will be available in the next Plastic SCM release, that will be published along this week (two or three days).
Improve file move detection (compare only same extensions)
The "file move detection" should only compare files with same extension. It's not useful to compare "a.gif" with "b.jpg" and display "moved from a.gif to b.jpg" with a similatity of 90%.
File extensions do normally not change (maybe only in some cases).3 votesWill be integrated in the release
Fix grammar
"Give a try to Plastic SCM. It's free!" should probably be "Give Plastic SCM a try. It's free!"
3 votesThanks! Should be fixed now!
Make the preference "Update and Checkin set files readonly" configurable per-workspace
I prefer the modify-commit scenario, and the majority of the projects and tools I use behave ok like that. However a couple of tools I use absolutely require the checkout-modify-commit (through SCC interface) . It is error-prone and annoying to have to change this option just when switching workspaces.
Ideally perhaps this should be configurable on a repository, ideally on a subtree, or even per file. as the project administrator can then protect the source code from attempts to get the mode wrong. On important binary files that cannot be merged, this could have serious consquences if a developer does…
3 votesDone.
Show workspace status of other users
Sometimes it would be nice to see what changeset the workspace of other users is on.
We have a repository called TOOLS which holds some very important tools for development. These tools change once in 6 months or so... nobody checks his tools workspace every day to see if it's up-to-date.
So it would be nice to see in branch explorer where the workspaces of other useres standing. Then other useres see that my workspace isn't up-to-date and may notify me.
If it's performance relevant it could be a new display option.
Maybe a little number is displayed near an…3 votesInteresting but not really doable with current Plastic since the changes required would negatively impact performance. And perf is King :P
Option to show diff veiw in new window instead of new tab
Almost every time I perform a DIFF and am done viewing the results, I close the Plastic GUI, expecting to only close the DIFF portion when using the integrated DIFF feature instead of the External Diff program.
As a user convenience feature, it would be nice to have as an option to open the internal diff view as a new window (instead of a tab) so that when closing the window the entire GUI is not closed. This would make the workflow of interacting with internal and external DIFF applications consistent.
3 votesGo to preferences, then diff tools, then select the suffix for text files and there you can choose from “embedded diff viewer” (default) and “plastic scm diff tool”. Choose this one and your problem will be solved :)
WebUI - Configure list of RSS Feed files to show in a frame
I have recently implemented the check-in trigger to create an RSS xml file, but have no way to display those to users for subscribing.
As an WebUI administrator, I would like to be able to configure a list of RSS feed files (URLs) to display as part of the WebUI interface so that users can select which feeds they would like to subscribe to or copy the URLs into their RSS reader instead of having to manually notify (and remind) users that the commit history/notification is available.
3 votes -
'cm checkin' should list files actually checked in
You get some idea of what happened:
'Uploaded 30.92 KB of 77.45 KB (39.92%)'
seems to appear once for each file.Paths to the files uploaded would be more useful and confirm you have done what you wanted to.
3 votes -
Remove from ignored list improvement
Wenn I try to remove a rule from the ignore list for a file - let's say for example file "C:\somepath\file.ext" - I get three options to choose from
After that I can choose to apply this rule globaly which makes it 6 possible options to remove a rule which plastic should already know, because it marks the file as ignored, so it should know which rule is the one causing this. And if there is more than one rule show me the options to remove them. I just don't like the fact that I have to…3 votesAs Miguel pointed out, a new upcoming feature will improve the rule handling. Please, stay tuned to the next public release announcements. We’d be delighted if you could try it out and give us some feedback.
Add ignored files
This sounds odd, I know. But I don't want to have *.dll files in my repository so I ignored them. From time to time though I have some libs that are .dll files which I do want to have in the repository. I could help myself with not ignoring .dll files but the folders they are in, but this doesn't work out very good.
So what I suggest is a force add or something to add a generally ignored file.
3 votesCheck unignore! :)
scan only needed files in pending changes
In the pending changes options there are a lot of checkboxes which hide some specific files from the list of changes.
It would be nice if those files weren't even scanned through while calculating this view.The problem is: we have some data folders inside the workspace with a lot of small files (very slow hard drive access). We need the general option "compair file content not only timestamps". When I click refresh view, with those data folders in my workspace, it takes up to one minute to calculate the view (I have very view data folders, some of my…
3 votes -
Release 5.0 officially (and forget about still developing 4.1)
It's been too long in beta, it needs to be released. Some release notes describing how it differs from 4.1 would be nice as well.
3 votesdone
enable text selection buffer on Linux
You can only copy text using ctrl-c rather than highlight/select and paste with middle mouse button as in other Linux applications. This is very awkward.
3 votesSolved with the new GTK based GUI for Linux
add new branches to custom branch explorer
When you have created a custom view of branches (eg. selected), and create additional branches from the custom view they should be added to that view. Otherwise you have to go back to the original explorer and find them all again. This would be convenient for working on a project distributed over several branches.
It would also be useful to be able to add and remove branches from an existing custom view. eg. from the branch list panel, have a menu 'add to branch explorer A' (they might need ids).
3 votes -
advanced filter control for pending changes
The 'Filter' field for pending changes seems to show entries that match the filter text in a variety of places including file path and branch name.
This makes it impossible to filter by part of a filename that is also part of your branch name.
Ideally there would be a list to control what is matched against (cf. Thunderbird sender, recipients, subject & body).
3 votesDONE. Check release BL550
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